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Modify your preferences

Modify your password

1. Click on the icon and select Preferences.

2. Click on Change password.

3. Enter your new password in the first field.

4. Confirm the new password by typing it again in the field below.

5. Click on Change credentials to save your changes.

Reset your password

To reset your password, you must have first entered an email address in your personal information (see section Confirm your email address).

1. Click on the icon and select Preferences.

2. Click on Forgot your password?

3. Fill out one of the requested field: your username or email address.

4. Click on Reset password.

An email with a temporary password will be sent to the email address provided. This temporary password will expire 7 days after the reception.

5. Go back to the Log in page and enter your username and temporary password.

6. Click on Log in.

7. Enter your new password and confirm it again in the field below.

8. Click on Continue login to save the changes.

Restore all default settings

1. Click on the icon and select Preferences.

2. Click on Restore all default settings (in all sections) at the bottom of the page.

3. Click again on Restore all default settings (in all sections) to confirm your choice.